September 2016


It's hard to believe that we are already starting a new school year AND that we are already 3 weeks in to it!! We spent the summer relaxing and then cleaning the preschool to get it ready for the first day! (THANKS MELBA!!)

We are excited to be back and the teachers are ready to have some fun! The teachers were in the day after Labour Day setting up their classrooms and getting prepared for Gradual Entry.
Remember, separation anxiety and tears are common during gradual entry (sometimes for both parent and child!!) but calm, consistent, quick goodbyes will help your child to work through this process quickly and with the help & reassurance of our experienced and caring teachers, your child will continue to build their confidence and grow to be happy and social children.

If you have any concerns during the Gradual Entry Process or at any time throughout the year, please do not hesitate to speak to your teachers, Marion or myself.

And we hope to see you at the AGM on Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30 pm. CHRIS BURT will be our special guest speaker. Check out his website at You will meet all the staff and board members and will have a chance to visit and speak with the teachers in one of our classrooms that we will have set up. You can come to this at 6:15 pm. Childminding is available. Please contact the office to sign up.

Thank you for choosing St. Catherine's as your child's preschool. We are able to offer great programs loaded with fabulous materials and special guests because of our FUNDRAISING. You do not have to participate in all our fundraisers but we kindly ask that you choose one or two throughout the year to help support our Society.

Please check your Year At A Glance that was in your Info Package your received on the first day for special events and dates that are coming up. It is also posted on your child's class bulletin board. Take a photo of it so you will have it with you when you need it!!

Word of Mouth is our best form of advertising so please spread the word!! Also, please like us on Facebook and Google and give us a good rating online when you are able so our name gets out there!! Thanks in advance!

Sept. 22 - AGM/Meet the Teachers/Chris Burt
Oct. 10 - Thanksgiving-No Preschool
Oct 21 - Elmer the Safety Elephant

The office is always open so come on by for a visit or if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Yours truly,
Tina Spencer,
St. Catherine's Childcare Society

October 2016


So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye! May/June 2016