Until we meet again... June 2013

Another preschool year has come to a close and what a fun year it was! Some of the hightlights were the pizza night and cake walk which is one of our most anticipated annual family events, putting together Christmas hampers for three North Shore families in need, the Christmas services and Easter services which are always so much fun, and the Burger and Beer Fundraiser which was a huge success! Below are some pictures from our rather rainy but still very fun (well Cheryl and Marion seemed to enjoy themselves!) picnics as well as some other fun pictures from this year!

Thank you to all our families for their support over the year. From helping out in the classrooms, to attending our special events, donating to our fundraisers, and making special treats for our parties, we truly appreciate your kindness and generosity!

This year we say goodbye to four members of our preschool family, Barb Phillipson retired ealier this year, and Libby Beaton is retiring after over 20 years here at St. Catherine's. Krystal Ripolo leaves us to persue another position and Joanna Scheffler leaves us for a new position after 7 years here at St. Catherine's. We will miss all four of you wonderful ladies and wish each of you the very best!

On behalf of all the staff here at St. Catherine's Preschool we wish our families a wonderful, fun and relaxing summer.

Dates to remember:

TuesdayJuly 2: Summer Program begins, please contact Marion for questions regarding this program.
Friday July 5: Preschool office closes for the summer. Please leave a telephone or email message and Jen or Tina will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thursday July 25: Final day of Summer Program.
Monday August 19: Preschool office opens.
Wednesday September 4: Gradual Entry begins.

For more information please contact us:

Telephone: 604-980-1326
Please "LIKE" our facebook page St. Catherine's Childcare Society. Thank you!

Welcome to Preschool - September 2013


Magical May! 2013